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1. A non-refundable initial fee must be paid
2. It is activated when the funds are correctly booked
3. Valid for the entire duration of the Agreement
4. The minimum account balance is PLN 10
5. Per-minute billing in accordance with the Tariff
6. The customer may rent a maximum of 4 bicycles for one account

12.30 zł



1. Subscription fee PLN 30.00
2. It is activated when the funds are correctly booked
3. Valid for one month (30 days)
4. The minimum account balance is PLN 0
5. As part of the "Subscription", the Customer has at his disposal 90 minutes, renewable every day and divisible between several journeys (per-minute billing)
6. After exceeding the free daily time of 90 minutes, a fee of PLN 0.05 per minute is charged
7. The customer may rent a maximum of 4 bicycles for one accoun

30 zł



1. Subscription fee PLN 150.00
2. It is activated when the funds are correctly booked
3. Valid for a full period of one year
4. The minimum account balance is PLN 0
5. As part of the "Subscription", the Customer has at his disposal 90 minutes, renewable every day and divisible between several journeys (per-minute billing)
6. After exceeding the free daily time of 90 minutes = a fee of PLN 0.05 per minute
7. The customer may rent a maximum of 4 bicycles for one account

150 zł
